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Sun protection is arguably the most important step in your skin care routine!


In addition to being the number one factor in skin aging and hyperpigmentation, skin cancer is at an all time high. 1 in 6 Canadians will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, it is the most common cancer in the country. Everyone is at risk, particularly those with fair complexions, history of skin cancer, moles, and history of frequent or severe burns.


Sun damage occurs when UV light causes cellular changes at the DNA level. Because damage occurs deep in the dermis, it may take years before it becomes visible. Sun damage is cumulative, it has a tendency to start showing in late 30’s and early 40’s.


Sun damage presents as: wrinkles, pigmentation, sagging, rough texture, flaky/crusty, redness, blotchiness, broken capillaries.

Actinic Keratosis (AK) is a pre-cancerous skin conditions which presents itself as red, scaly blotches.  If left untreated they may progress into cancer.


There are three types of skin cancer: squamous, basal and melanoma. Basal being the most common and melanoma being the most aggressive and concerning.


Recommended measures:

  • Always wear sunscreen with a minimum 30 SPF

  • Cover up (hat, long sleeves, pants) and seek shade

  • Avoid peak times when UVA/UVB rays are their strongest

  • Wear sunglasses that provide UVA/UVB protection

  • NEVER use tanning beds!


What is the difference between chemical and physical sunscreens?

  • Physical Sunscreens: are those that contain zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide as the active ingredients. Sunscreen with these ingredients act as a physical barrier to the sun’s UV rays.

  • Chemical Sunscreens: are those that contain chemical ingredients such as: avobenzone, ecamsule (a.k.a. MexorylTM), oxybenzone. A chemical reaction is undertaken on the skin to block UV rays. This reaction creates heat and irritates the skin.

  • Some sunscreens contain a blend of both.

*Physical sunscreens are the healthiest options. Avoid ones with pore clogging oils or beeswax.


Keep an eye on any potential changes to your skin, including changes in moles, freckles and new pigmentations. If any changes are observed, it is best to book in with a family doctor or dermatologist to have a skin cancer screening completed. Skin cancer screenings can be very difficult to book in, Dermatologists typically have a backlog of 6-8 months. Catching any changes early is key.

Hyperpigmentation otherwise known as sunspots or liver spots are caused by an over production of melanin (melanin is what gives our skin colour), this is triggered by over exposure to the sun over a life time.


Natural ways at combating hyperpigmentation:

  • Sun Protection - always wear sunscreen and cover up when out in the sun

  • Maintaining Healthy Skin - using healthy skin care products and rituals

  • Antioxidants - helps prevent additional melanin production. Rose Willow Renewal Facial Nourishing Oil is rich in antioxidants

  • Natural Pigment Inhibitors/Lighteners - Licorice Root and Vitamin C which are found in the Rose Willow Renewal Facial Nourishing Oil

  • Regular Exfoliation/Promote Cell Turnover – use products rich in Vitamin A (natural retinol -stimulates skin cell turnover) as in the Rose Willow Renewal Facial Nourishing Oil and regularly exfoliate with a gentle exfoliant like the Calendula Oat Facial Scrub.


Renewal Facial Nourishing Oil


Calendula Oat Facial Scrub

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